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3 Clues + 1 Christmas Word

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1. white 2. falls from the sky when it's too cold for it to rain 3. go skiing
1. rings  2. can be gold or silver 3. so loud everyone can hear
1. green 2. in the shape of a circle 3. hangs on a door around Christmas time
1. send by mail from person to another 2. wish you a merry Christmas 3. Pictures are in it
Christmas card
1. have a white beard 2. Red hat 3. carries a sack on Christmas full of toys
1. sing 2. a type of song 3. People go house to house to sing to people around Christmas
Christmas carol
1. brown 2. pull the sleigh 3. can fly
1. a place where it's cold 2. can't see it, children know it's there 3. Santa and the elves are there
The North Pole
1. type of plant 2. green and red 3. a girl's name
1. always at the top of the tree 2. lights up 3. most of the time it's yellow
1. turn on and off 2. colorful  3. hang on the tree at Christmas
Christmas lights
1. wrapped in green and red paper 2. a bow on top 3. give to someone
1. type of candy 2. 3 stripes 3. hung on the Christmas tree with the ornaments
candy cane
1. type of house 2. made of gingerbread 3. children make and then eat at Christmas time
gingerbread house
1. comes in different sizes and colors 2. hung on a tree 3. sometimes needs hooks to stay on the tree
1. carries the toys on Christmas eve 2. pulled by nine reindeer 3. Santa is at the reins
1. hung up 2. smaller toys go inside 3. emptied on Christmas morning
1. takes care of the reindeer 2. Pointy ears 3. Helps Santa make toys
1. a hot drink 2. you can add marshmallows 3. Made from packet or scratch
hot chocolate
1. starts off just being green 2. add ornaments and lights 3. a star on top
Christmas tree
1. cookie 2. man 3. green and red
gingerbread man
1. doesn't like to melt away 2. rolling snow 3. three buttons
1. red nose 2. animal 3. pulls sleigh