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4th grade exam guide
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the predicate of this sentence?: The cat climbs the tree.
climbs the tree
What's the subject of this sentence?: The cat climbs the tree.
The cat
Turn this sentence into QUESTION: Clara cleaned her room.
Did clara clean her room?
Turn this sentence into NEGATIVE: Clara cleaned her room.
Clara didn´t clean her room.
Write these verbs in PAST TENSE: walk
Write these verbs in PAST TENSE: write
Write these verbs in PAST TENSE: run
Write these verbs in PAST TENSE: dance
Write these verbs in PAST TENSE. catch
Use the helping verb “to be”: They ____ coming to the party. a) am b) is c) are
Use the helping verb “to be”: _____ the students in class? a) am b) is c)are
Use the helping verb “to be”: Sam____ cleaning the kitchen. a) am b) is c) are
Write the abbreviation of the word: September
Write the abbreviation of the word: Junior
Write the abbreviation of the word: Mister
Write the abbreviation of the word: Wednesday
Write a, an or the: I want ____ orange juice. ____ orange juice was yummy.
an, the
Write a, an or the: I ate ____ sandwich.
Classify in PROPER and COMMON nouns: park coffee IFMO dog Tiki Saltillo
Proper: IFMO- Tiki-Saltillo Common: park-coffee- dog
Write the words in alphabetical order: pirate- blanket- sweater- whale- cloud
1. blanket 2. cloud 3. pirate 4.sweater 5.whale