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5th grade exam guide
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write the number in numerical form: three thousand sixty-two
3, 062
Write the number in word form: 5,649
Five thousand six hundred forty-nine
Change the tense into PRESENT PERFECT: She drive to Saltillo several times.
She has driven to Saltillo several times.
Change the tense into SIMPLE PAST. Brad sleeps late on Fridays.
Brad slept late on Fridays.
Complete with the possessive adjective: We should wash ____ hands. a)my b)our c)its
Complete with the possessive adjective: Jack has many sweaters in _____ closet. a) his b) her c) it
Write the date: 6 / 21 / 1817
June 21, 1817
Write the date: 1 / 16 / 1989
January 16, 1989
Correct with Capital Letters: i live in mexico
I live in Mexico
Correct with Capital Letters: we have art class on friday
We have art class on Friday.
Correct with Capital Letters: my birthday is in september
My birthday is in September.
Add the possessive ending: ‘s or ‘ : My dog__ ball is in the grass.
Add the possessive ending: ‘s or ‘ : The house__ roofs are red.
Add the possessive ending: ‘s or ‘ : The students__ work shows their interest.
Correct the plural form of the noun: All the child ran in the park. a)childs b)children c) childrens
Correct the plural form of the noun: I love caramel candys. a) candi b) candies c) candis
Correct the plural form of the noun: We sent postcardes from Paris. a) postcards b) posts cards c) postcardess