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Past Simple and Present Perfect
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ____ (not/know) how to swim when I was 7 years old, but now I do!
didn't know
We ____ (not/see) Queen Elizabeth II in London last April.
didn't see
John is usually late, but he ____ (not/come) late to class yesterday!
didn't come
When I was in Italy in 2007, I ___ (see) the most beautiful beaches in the world.
Where ____ (she/go) on holidays last summer?
did she go
____ (you/do) the washing up yet?
Have you done
I ____ (enjoy) reading books since I was a little kid.
have enjoyed
– ____ (he/like) the concert last night? – I don’t think so.
Did he like
They ____ (be) here for a week and they don’t want to leave.
have been
An hour ago I ____ (play) chess with my friend and I lost again.
I ____ (not/clean) my room for two weeks. It is very messy now.
haven't cleaned
____ (you/go) to the party last night?
Did you go
___ (you/see) the newest Harry Potter film yet?
Have you seen
I ___ (not/play) football for a long time. I’m not sure if I still know how to kick a ball.
haven't played
I ___ (break) my leg two weeks ago.
They ___ (not/watch) TV for ages. In fact, they don’t even own a TV set.
haven't watched
I ___ (finish) reading that book last Monday.
___ (you/ever/be) to Egypt?
Have you ever been
I ___ (always/be) against racism and of course I still am.
have always been
How long ___ (you/be) here? I couldn't find you anywhere!
have you been
I ___ (start) training for football when I was six years old.