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Christmas Riddles

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the Gingerbread Man put on top of his bed?
A cookie sheet
If Santa's five elves can take five minutes to make five dolls, then how long will 100 elves need to make 100 dolls?
Only 5 minutes.
Why is Santa really good at karate?
Because he has a black belt
You can hold me and shake me, but I'm easy to break. I have lots of snow, even though it's all fake! What am I?
A snowglobe
It has a body with brown arms, white eyes, and funny feet. You might love to eat this too. What is it?
A gingerbread man
I hide around the house, moving during the nights. Santa sent me to see who's naughty and nice. What am I?
The Elf on the Shelf
I am a ball that does not bounce. What am I?
A snowball
These are what Santa likes to eat. At every house he stops, he's looking for this treat. What are these?
Milk and cookies
Rip this off quickly so it can no longer hide, your precious gift that is hidden inside. What is it?
Wrapping paper
Santa Claus rides on it as he gives out gifts, and to it, nine reindeer are hitched. What is it?
A sleigh
I drop from the sky far more beautiful than rain. There are no two pieces that'll ever look the same. What am I?
I can be made from evergreens, pine cones, berries, and I am round. On the front door of someone's house, at Christmas time I am found. What am I?
A wreath
I am a plant seen every Christmas which people hang up above and then they stand beneath me and kiss someone they love. What am I?
Although it might look like I belong on your toes, I'm actually hung up for gifts as every child knows. What am I?
Christmas stocking
You place a skirt around my bottom once I've been cut. On the other end, a star or an angel is how I get topped. What am I?
Christmas tree
Open me every day for something that can't be beat. Behind each of the doors, you will discover a tasty treat. What am I?
Advent calendar
I come with a lot of colors, so lovely and bright. I turn so many houses into a beautiful sight. What am I?
Christmas lights