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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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.......................is every thing around us has................and......................
Matter , mass, volume
Volume describes if the object is big or small (................)
Volume describes if the objects are heavy or light (...............)
False ( mass)
Paper occupies a space and has a mass so paper is a ....................
Desk has ..............and ...................
mass and volume
....................is suitable to measure the length of your room
Measuring tape
We use a ruler to measure a mass (..................)
False ( length)
.......................is suitable tool to measure a person's waist
measuring tape
....................is suitable tool to measure the length of pencil
Ruler and tape are used to measure the....................
Car has mass only (................)
False ( mass and volume )
Mass is the space that occupied by the object (.................)
False ( Volume)
A tool is used to measure large length
Measuring tape
A tool is used to measure small length
why car has a volume
Because car occupies space
Ruler is used to measure..................
small length
Measuring tape is used for measuring................
large length
.....................describes the matter how heavy is it
.......................describes the matter how big is it
Cheese has ...............and ....................
mass and volume
Milk has ...................and..................
mass and volume
The space occupied by matter is known as
Oxygen occupies a space, so it has a .......................
.....................is the amount of matter that the objects contains
Every thing occupies a space and has a mass is called
Matter has .................and...............
mass and volume