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Christmas What am I

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am a vegetable. I am long and green. I am eaten at Thanksgiving and Christmas. What am I?
Green Beans
I am sometimes hung above a fireplace. I am like a large sock. Presents are put inside me. What am I?
A Stocking
We wear hats. We live with Santa. We help to make toys for Christmas. What am I?
I work on Christmas Eve. I make a list of who's naughty or nice. I bring presents. What am I?
Santa Claus
I have a picture on the front. I have writing on the inside. I am given to friends at Christmas time. What am I?
A Christmas Card
I am colorful. I am in a roll. I am used to cover presents. What am I?
Wrapping Paper
I am a vegetable. I am a good snack for Santa's reindeer. I am orange. What am I?
A Carrot
I come in long strips. I come in different colors. I am put on the Christmas tree.
I am green. I have spiky leaves. I have red berries. What am I?
I am cold. I have a carrot for a nose. I am made of snow. What am I?
A Snowman
I am cold. I am white. I can be used to make a snowman. What am I?
I am green. I have ornaments. I am covered with tinsel. What am I?
A Christmas Tree
I have a white beard. I wear a red suit. I say 'Ho ho ho!' What am I?
Santa Claus
I have four legs. I can fly. I have a red nose. What am I?
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer