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Lemoncello Library Ch.36-40

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Sierra find at the end of Chapter 40?
She found the new call numbers.
What did the rest of the game cards lead team Kyle to?
Back to the first 4 clues they found.
Who got excited after the call Kyle made?
Who did Kyle call?
His brother, Curtis
What kind of help did Kyle use?
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What did Kyle think of the quote "You see, but you do not observe"?
lMaybe they spent too much time looking for new clues. (They need to slow down.)
What did Haley think of the clues "bandit" + "crawl"?
Maybe the way out was the same as how the bandits snuck into the bank before it got turned to a library,
What was the clue that Haley found?
What was Haley looking for in Lemoncello's memorobilia area?
A golden book. (A famous children's book)
What did team Kyle find out about the books from Mr. Lemoncello?
They are all the same book. (They were all a Sherlock Holmes book)
Why did Kyle tell Charles to check out the books from Mr. Lemoncello?
He wanted to be fair.
How was the relationship between Charles and Haley?
They didn't trust each other. (They both lied to each other.)
How many books did Mr. Lemoncello picked out for the kids to read after the rooms were locked?
What did Charles try to make Andrew do?
Sneak into Kyle's team
Why were all the DDC rooms locked?
Charles picked the wrong colored envelop and lost the game.
Which colored envelop did Charles pick from the game?
Why was Charles mad at Andrew?
Andrew knew how the fictional books were organized but didn't tell Charles.
What did Charles and Andrew get after they found the new clue?
They were offered a super deal game
What new clue did Charles and Andrew find from the book they were looking for?
C+Anne (CAN)
Which book did Charles and Andrew try to find?
Anne of Green Gables