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How to write a resolution
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jacky __________________ (share) some snacks with his classmates.
Jacky is going to share some snacks with his classmates.
He __________________ (be) polite to everyone.
He is going to be polite to everyone.
I ___________________ (teach) my classmates how to do their homework.
I am going to teach my classmates how to do their homework.
She __________________ (help) others every day.
She is going to help others every day.
The classmates ______________ (study) at home every day and answer more questions in class.
The classmates are going to study at home every day and answer more questions in class.
I _______________ (greet) everyone with a smile every day.
I am going to greet everyone with a smile every day.
I ________________ (put) all my homework in my school bag after I finish.
I am going to put all my homework in my school bag after I finish.
I _______________ (do) all my homework before I go to bed.
I am going to do all my homework before I go to bed.
My friend ______________ (look) at the school timetable and diary to pack his school bag before he goes to bed.
My friend is going to look at the school timetable and diary to pack his school bag before he goes to bed.
We ______________ (write) down all the homework in our diaries carefully before we go home.
We are going to write down all the homework in our diaries carefully before we go home.
They ______________________ (eat) less junk food every day.
They are going to eat less junk food every day.
He ___________________ (spend) at least 20 minutes to exercise every day.
He is going to spend at least 20 minutes to exercise every day.
We ______________________ (eat) all the vegetables in our lunch box.
We are going to eat all the vegetables in our lunch box.
I ________________ (drink) six glasses of water every day.
I am going to drink six glasses of water every day.
My brother ______________________ (eat) a kind of fruit every day.
My brother is going to eat a kind of fruit every day.
We _________________ (write)  a sentence with a new word every day.
We are going to write a sentence with a new word every day.
My sister ___________________ (look) up the meaning of a new word in a dictionary every day.
My sister is going to look up the meaning of a new word in a dictionary every day.
I ___________________ (write) a new word in my notebook every day.
I am going to write a new word in my notebook every day.
Sally _____________________ (watch) the English news on TV every day.
Sally is going to watch the English news on TV every day.
Peter _______________ (read) an English book  every day.
Peter is going to read an English book every day.