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the day of dead

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What does the color white mean? a) purity and hapiness b) purity and souls c)purity and hope
The traditional bread comes from the time of animals sacrifices. TRUE OR FALSE
FALSE (human sacrifices)
What is the meaning of "catrina" a) an elegantly-dressed skeleton figure b) a woman that takes people to the underworld
For_____civilization the Day of the Dead was a celebration of life. a) Aztec b) Teotihuacan c) Maya
a) Aztec
The UNESCO proclaimed the Day of the Dead an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. TRUE OR FALSE
What place do people visit in Mexico City to decorate the graves of their love ones?
Sugar skulls are part of a sugar art tradition by: a)17th-century Italian missionaries b) 17th-century French missionaries
a) 17th/italian missionaries
When did the "literary calaveras" start? a) late 16th and early 18th b) late 18th and 19th centuries
b) 18th and 19th centuries
Who created the traditional designs in the pecked paper? a)Diego Rivera b) José Guadalupe Posada
b) José Guadalupe Posada
Who started with the tradition of the pecked paper? a) The aztecs b) the mayas
a) aztecs
When does the Day of Dead begin? a)November 1st b) October 28th
b) October 28th (traditionally people start putting an altar in this day)
The origin of this tradition is: a) 200 years ago b) 1800 years a.c c) since 1965
b) 1800 a.c
What does the color yellow represent in this celebration? a) light b) happiness
a) light
What does the color purple mean in this celebration?
means mourning and represents the catholic religion
The mexican bread of the Dead represents the cycle of life: TRUE OR FALSE
What is the incense used for?
to keep out evil spirits
What do the 3 levels of the altars mean? a )Underworld,Heaven,Earth b) underworld,Earth,Heaven
What does "marigol" mean?
flower of twenty petals / dead people's flower
What is on an altar?
How do people honor the souls of young children?
with toys on the altars
How are the skulls decorated?
with sugar and frosting designs
What significance to monarch butterflies have this holiday?
butterflies carry the souls or spirits of the dead
What happens at the cementary?
people visit the place, light candles, spend the night there
Who or what returns during this time?
The spirits of loved ones
Whe is The Day of Dead?
November 1st and 2nd