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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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________ he ________ (draw) well?
Does / draw
Marco and I ________ (not / go) shopping.
don't go
Monkeys ________ (not / eat) snakes.
don't eat
She ________ (not / like) hot dogs.
doesn't like
He ________ (not / want) an ice cream.
doesn't want
Irene ________ (not / speak) German.
doesn't speak
The dog ________ (not / hate) cats.
doesn't hate
Jim and Carol ________ (not / sing) a song.
don't sing
My cousin ________ (go) to the disco.
What ________ you ________ (buy) buy in the supermarket?
do / buy
She ________ (not / walk) to school.
doesn't work
________ we ________ (take) the bus often?
Do / take
________ you ________ English?
Do / speak
________ I ________ (go out) often?
Do / go out
She ________ (catch) a cold every winter.
They ________ (not / like) vegetables.
don't like
How ________ he ________ (travel) to work?
does / travel
I ________ (not / drink) much tea.
don't drink
What ________ you ________ (do) at the weekend?
do / do
________ she ________ (dance) often?
Does / dance
He ________ (not / read) the newspaper.
doesn't read
You ________ (watch) a lot of TV.
________ they ________ (write) e-mails every day?
Do / write
I ________ (eat) cereal in the morning.
________ we ________ (have) enough time?
Do / have
I ________ (not / think) you're right.
don't think
He ________ (drive) to work every day.