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English 7 - Unit 7: Traffic

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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5. Can you see the “Speed ________”? - “You can’t drive fast in this area.” A. limit/ B. decrease/ C. sign
A. limit
4. – What does this road _________ mean? – It means “School ahead”. A. light/ B. symbol/ C. sign
C. sign
3. Go to the end of this street, turn left and take the first ________ on the right. The school is on your left. A. turn/ B. turning/ C. turned
B. turning
2. His car crashed into the traffic ________. A. sign/ B. lamp/ C. light
C. light
1. ________ the way to school, I can see a “No parking” sign. A. On/ B. In/C. By
A. On
4. What’s the distance from Quang Binh to Ha Tinh? (HOW)
How far is it from Quang Binh to Ha Tinh?
2. The distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Tra Vinh is about 200 km. (IT)
It’s about 200 km from Ho Chi Minh city to Tra Vinh.
5. You/can’t/walk/museum; it/10 km/away.
You can’t walk to the museum; it’s 10 km away.
4. It/ only/ one kilometre/ house/ school/, so/ go/ school/ foot.
It’s only one kilometre from my house to school, so I go to school on foot.
3. I/ not think/ it/ very far/ Ha Noi/ Bac Ninh.
I don’t think it’s very far from Ha Noi to Bac Ninh.
2. It/ about/ 100 km/ Hue/ Da Nang.
It’s about 100 km from Hue to Da Nang.
1. How/ far/ it/ from/ house/ supermarket? - It/ two/ kilometre.
How far is it from your house to the supermarket? – It’s 2 kilometre.