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Past Simple Christmas A1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They (clean) the house yesterday?
Did they clean the house yesterday?
They (not put) presents under the Christmas tree.
They didn't put presents under the Christmas tree.
They (decorate) the Christmas tree.
They decorated the Christmas tree.
We (eat) Christmas dinner together.
We ate Christmas dinner together.
Kate (not make) a Christmas cake.
Kate didn't make a Christmas cake.
She (go) for a walk?
Did she go for a walk?
She (drink) hot tea.
She drank hot tea.
The boy (not talk) to Santa.
The boy talked to Santa.
The children (send) letters to Santa?
Did the children send letters to Santa?
My mum (give) me a Christmas present.
My mum gave me a Christmas present.
We (get) lots of presents.
We got lots of presents.
They (not buy) lots of food for Christmas.
They didn't buy lots of food for Christmas.
Our guests (come) at 7 pm.
Our guests came at 7 pm.
The boy (write) a letter to Santa.
The boy wrote a letter to Santa.
You (see) Santa's reindeer?
Did you see Santa's reindeer?
Last year Santa (celebrate) Christmas in Australia.
Last year Santa celebrated Christmas in Australia.