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Pollution around the world

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In which Asian country is the Yangtze River, facing pollution issues due to industrial discharges and urbanization
What region is affected by the depletion of the ozone layer, leading to increased UV radiation?
Name a country in Eastern Europe that has faced challenges with air pollution, particularly in its capital city, Warsaw?
In which South American country is the Atacama Desert, where mining activities contribute to soil and water pollution?
Which country has made significant strides in addressing pollution in the Rhine River through international cooperation?
Name a country in Southeast Asia facing issues with transboundary haze pollution, often caused by slash-and-burn agriculture?
In which region does the Sahara Desert contribute to dust storms, causing air pollution in neighboring areas?
North Africa
Which Pacific island nation is at risk of rising sea levels and environmental pollution due to climate change?
Name a country in the Caribbean that faces the most challenges with pollution in its coastal areas due to tourism and industrial activities?
The Dominican Republic
What European country has been actively addressing water pollution in the Baltic Sea through international cooperation?
In which region is the Aral Sea, once the world's fourth-largest lake, now a source of environmental pollution and ecological decline?
Central Asia
Which Asian country has been working to combat air pollution in its capital, Seoul, through various environmental initiatives?
South Korea
What South American country faces challenges with mercury pollution from gold mining in the Madre de Dios region?
In which European country did the Bhopal disaster occur, causing a major industrial chemical leak and environmental pollution?
Name the Middle Eastern country where oil spills and industrial discharges have caused significant marine pollution in the Persian Gulf?
Which North American country is known for its extensive tar sands extraction, leading to environmental pollution?
What Asian country is a major contributor to indoor air pollution, primarily due to the use of coal for heating and cooking?
In which country does the city of Delhi experience severe air pollution, often reaching hazardous levels, especially in winter?
Name the European country that faces the most challenges with water pollution in the Danube River due to industrial discharges?
Which country is responsible for the majority of the plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean, forming the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch"?
The U.S.A
In which Asian country did the Minamata disease occur due to industrial mercury pollution in the mid-20th century?
Name the country that faces severe air pollution, especially during the winter months, known as the "Diwali Smog."?
Which country is often associated with deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, contributing to air and water pollution?
What two countries experienced the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, resulting in widespread radioactive pollution?
Ukraine and Belarus
Which country is notorious for its electronic waste dumping, leading to environmental pollution in developing nations?
The U.S.A
What Southeast Asian country is known for having the highest  levels of plastic pollution, particularly in its rivers and oceans?
In which European city did the "Great Smog" occur in 1952, causing severe air pollution and numerous deaths?
Which country is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide, contributing significantly to climate change