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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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brothers/ My/ floor/ on/ the/ often/ sleep/ ./
My brothers often sleep on the floor.
always/ is/ She/ people/ with/ friendly/ ./
She is always friendly with people.
school/ am/ never/ for/ I/ late/ ./
I am never late for school.
cloudy / is / It / often / ./
It is often cloudy.
Kids/ dinner/ with/ wine/ usually/ drink/ don't/ ./
Kids don't usually drink wine with dinner.
in/ rains/ lot/ Spring/ usually/ a/ It/ the/ ./
It usually rains a lot in the Spring.
My/ eats/ cousin/ never/ meat/ ./
My cousin never eats meat.
afternoon/ shopping/ usually/ the/ in/ He/ go/ doesn't/ ./
He doesn't usually go shopping in the afternoon.
morning/ I/ eat/ in/ always/ breakfast/ the/ ./
I always eat breakfast in the morning.
about/ games/ playing/ What/ video/ ?/
What about playing video games?
good/ is/ She/ table/ tennis/ at/ ./
She is good at table tennis.
not/ at/ skating/ I'm/ good/ ./
I'm not good at skating.
she/ What/ like/ does/ doing/ ?/
What does she like doing?
don’t/ sisters/ My/ eating/ like/ tomatoes/ ./
My sisters don't like eating tomatoes.
park/ doesn’t/ His/ going/ the/ sister/ like/ to/ ./
His sister doesn't like going to the park.
you/ piano/ the/ like/ playing/ Do?
Do you like playing the piano?
playing/ cousin/ Her/ video games/ likes/
Her cousin likes playing video games.