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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While I _______ in the sea, I _____ a shark just in front of me.(swim, see)
was swimming, saw
When my tooth ______ I __________ cookies.(fall out, eat)
fell out, was eating
While the astronout ________ on the moon, he ________ an alien. (walk, meet)
was walking, met
My dad _________ shocked when he _______ the bill. (be, see)
was, saw
I _______________ history when my friends_____________ around.(study,come)
was studying,came
He broke his arm _______ he was playing basketball.
______ I saw her, she was crying.
While they _______ in the living room, their father ________ the car in the garage. (have dinner, wash)
were having dinner, was washing
When she _______ out to play with her friends in the garden , her brother __________ English at home. ( go, study )
went, was studying
_____ I was going to school, it started to rain.