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How many lions are there?
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I want to go to the zoo. I want to see a monkey, lion, and tiger. I do not want to see an elephant. What animals do I want to see?
I want to see a monkey, lion, and tiger.
What animal do you not like?
How many big lions are there? How many small lions are there?
There is 1 big lion. There are 3 small lions.
Name 4 animals with 5 letters in its name
horse, koala, zebra, tiger
I am thinking of a big animal with 8 letters in its name. What animal is it?
Edward's favorite animal is black and white. What is his favorite animal?
Write down the names of all the animals in the picture.
Look at the picture. Create your own question.
Look at the picture. Create your own question.
Write down this animal's name
What animal do you like?
How many ______ are there?
There are 8 turtles.
True or False: There are 5 elephants.
False. There are 4 elephants.
How many _______ are there?
There are 5 tigers.
How many _______ are there?
There are 8 monkeys