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What is Christmas All About?

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Approximately how old was Jesus when the wise men from the east arrived with their gifts?
2 years old
What guided the wise men to find Jesus?
With what did Mary wrap newborn Jesus?
Swaddling clothes
At the birth, why were Mary and Joseph unable to stay in an inn?
There was no room
Around what age was Jesus when He began His ministry?
Around 30 years old
Who was the king who tried to kill baby Jesus and when he couldn't find him, killed every male infant in the city?
King Herod
Where did Joseph and Mary live before they were married?
Who prophesied to Mary that Christ was "destined for the fall and rising of many and that "a sword" would "pierce" her "own soul also"?
Which two gospels tell the story of Jesus' birth?
Matthew and Luke
How did the shepherds learn about Christ's birth?
An Angel told them
After leaving Bethlehem, to which country did Joseph, Mary and Jesus travel?
What is the meaning of the name "Immanuel"?
God is with us
In which direction did the wise men travel while going toward Jerusalem?
West (They came from the East)
Who was the Old Testament prophet that foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Immanuel?
What are the three gifts that the wise men (Magi) offered to Jesus?
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
In the Nativity story, what is the name of the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?
Mary and Joseph traveled to which city for the census where the Nativity took place?