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Different Types of Maps and their Usage

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What map would a presidential candidate find helpful?
Political, resources, population
What map would you use to determine what the Great Plains adds to the economy?
Resource or economic activity map
On what map would you find the Rocky Mountains?
Physical or Climate
What would an ethnicity map show?
Ethnicity, what people's heritage is in an area
What type of map would show what people believe about God?
Religion map
What 2 things can you learn from a population map?
People...where they live, work, play, etc
What 2 things could you learn from a resource map?
Natural resources like oil, minerals, diamonds, fresh water, trees, etc.
What 2 things could you learn from a physical map?
Landforms, rivers, lakes, oceean, mountains, etc
What are 2 things you could learn from a climate map?
Temperature, rain, snowfall, etc.
What are 2 things you could learn from a political map?
Political parties, voting, etc.
What type of map shows how many people live in an area?
Population map
What type of map shows natural resources or economies?
Resource/Economic map
What map shoes the locations of landforms and features like rivers, mountains?
Physical map
What map shows an area's weather over a long period of time?
Climate Map
What map shows information about government and politics?
Political map
What is a map?
Pictures of the earth that inform us about different areas and their details