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Christmas Passive Voice

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Love filled homes.
Homes were filled with aroma.
People exchange presents.
Presents are exchanged by people.
Santa delivers gifts.
Gifts are delivered by Santa.
Amelia sang Christmas carols.
Christmas carols are being sung by Amelia.
Uncle Ben hang the lights.
The lights are going to be hung by uncle Ben.
Aunt Louise roasted the turkey.
The turkey was roasted by aunt Louise
Families decorate Christmas trees with ornaments and lights.
The sleigh is going to be guided by Santa tonight.
People ate thousands of mince pies last Christmas.
Thousands of mince pies were eaten last Christmas.
Mark and Lucy decorate a Christmas tree every year. 
A Christmas tree is decorated by Mark and Lucy every year.
My mum made ginger cookies. 
Ginger cookies were made by my mum. 
People celebrate Christmas all over the world.
Christmas is celebrated all over the world