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Semester 1 Christmas review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I eat (too much / too many) candy on Christmas.
too much
There are (enough / too much) presents for everyone.
Use present perfect: I (listen) to Bing Crosby every Christmas ( for / since) I was little.
have listened / since
Create question in past simple: elves / check / the toys
Did the elves check the toys?
Create question in present perfect: you / build / a gingerbread house
Have you built a gingerbread house?
There is (too much/ enough) snow to drive in.
Too much
There isn’t (too much /enough) snow to make a snowman.
She has (too many / enough) candy canes.
too many
Make question: She has gone sledding.
Has she ever gone sledding?
Make question: You ate the gingerbread man.
Did you eat the gingerbread man?
Make question: Santa checked his list twice.
Did Santa check his list twice?
Make question: You have shoveled the driveway.
Have you shoveled the driveway?
Answer negative: Have you put up your Christmas decorations?
No, I haven’t put up my Christmas decorations.
We suggested ( to sing / singing ) Christmas carols.
Rudolph agreed (driving / to drive) Santa's sleigh.
To drive
He promised (hanging / to hang) the Christmas lights.
to hang
I enjoyed ( to celebate / celebrating ) the holidays.
I (watch) Home Alone when my package (arrive).
I was watching Home Alone when my package arrived.
I (sleep) when Santa (fill) my stocking.
I was sleeping when Santa filled my stocking.
Use present perfect: The ball (drop) on New Years at midnight ( for / since ) over 100 years.
has dropped / for
Use past perfect: The Rockefeller Center (had) a tree ( for / since ) 1931.
has had, since
Use present perfect: She (make) eggnog ( for / since) the last 5 years.
has made / for
Use past continuous: While Santa (deliver) presents, he (eat) milk and cookies.
While Santa was delivering presents, he ate milk and cookies.
Use present perfect: Elf (to be) my favorite Christmas movie ( for / since ) I was little
has been / since