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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (FIND)
A) I always find a solution
B) I play a game
How Does she feel?
A) Something where you can BUY snacks and drinks
B) A type of toy
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (WAIT)
A) Every morning He WAITS for the train
B) She is sleeping
C)She is singing
Dramatize the emotional state (GET UPSET)
A) He never GETS upset
B) I am happy
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb phrase (STAY CALM)
A)He always STAYS calm
B) I sing songs
C)I listen to music
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (take)
A) She takes the bus to school every day
B) She is my teacher
C) She is my friend
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (talk)
A) Every Friday I TALK to my friends after school
B) I play soccer
C) I am a student
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (UNDERSTAND)
A) I always UNDERSTAND the class
B) I take a shower
C) I eat cookies
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb phrase (SIT NEXT TO)
A) He sits next to me
B) She is a good singer
C) She is my friend
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (DO)
A) I do homework at home
B) I play soccer
C) I wash my face
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (GO)
A) I go to school everyday
B) I like chocolate
C) I am from Ecuador
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb (BUY)
A) She BUYS cookies
B) You Sleep at home
C) You Dance with me
Choose the sentence that shows the meaning of the verb  (TRY)
A) I try to open the door
B) The door is big
C) The apple is red