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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of animal is Timon, in 'The Lion King'?
Which of the Canary Islands is the largest and most populous?
Which rock group is Mick Jagger the lead singer of?
The Rolling Stones
What nationality was Mozart?
What does an orchestra's conductor wave to keep time?
What type of music did Louis Armstrong play?
What pop group was Michel Jackson a member of when he was young?
The Jackson Five
Which female pop singer had a big hit called 'Baby, One More Time'?
Britney Spears
Who won the 2000 Wimbledon women's tennis championship?
Venus Williams
Which country won the 1998 FIFA World Cup football tournament?
How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol?
Baseball originated in the U.S.A. in which century?
19th century
In boxing, what do the letters K.O. stand for?
Knock out
On which continent is Sierra Leone?
Antarctica covers which of the Earth's poles?
The South pole
What do we call a mountain which could erupt?
A volcano
Which climate is generally hotter and more humid: tropical or temperate?
What is the capital city of Sri Lanka?
Which South America country has the greatest land area?
What is the study of plants called?
What do we call a shape with eight sides?
What gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?
Carbon dioxide
Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
Charles Darwin
What instrument is used for measuring temperature?
A thermometer
Which vitamin is abundant in citrus fruits?
Vitamin C