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Sustainable Development Goals

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the Global Goal No.17
Partnerships for the Goals
Name the Global Goal No.16
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Name the Global Goal No.15
Life on land
Name the Global Goal No.14
Life below water
Name the Global Goal No.13
Climate action
Name the Global Goal No.12
Responsible consumption and production
Name the Global Goal No.11
Sustainable cities and communities
Name the Global Goal No.10
Reduced inequalities
Name the Global Goal No.9
Industry, Innovation and infrastructure
Name the Global Goal No.8
Decent work and Economic growth
Name the Global Goal No.7
Affordable and clean energy
Name the Global Goal No. 6
Clean water and Sanitation
Name the Global Goal No. 5
Gender equality
Name the Global Goal No. 4
Quality Education
Name the Global Goal No. 3
Good health and well-being
Name the Global Goal No. 2
Zero hunger
Name the Global Goal No. 1
Name 3 global issues
Poverty, racism, hunger, climate change
What is the deadline (target year) for the Global Goals?