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Unit 4- This is who we are...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She doesn't ......... with stress very well!
Give a synonym for a laid back, calm or relaxed person
I really look ..... ...... my older brother and sister
look up to
Devin was born and ............ in Texas
When you look similar to your Mum or Dad, you t....... ......... your Mum or Dad
take after
In this photo, Arianna Grande has ......., ..........., ........ hair
long, straight, brown hair
Don't ......... me, it wasn't my fault!
How would you describe someone who talks a lot?
Talkative or chatty
How would you describe someone who is fairly quiet and doesn't like the attention?
How do you say "a proposito" or "por cierto" in english?
By the way
How do you say "antes de que me olvide" in english?
Before I forget
Christmas or Thanksgiving is a great example of a "family ...?"
How do you say 'negar' in english?
to deny
How do you say sobrina and sobrino in english?
neice and nephew
Name another expression which means the same as "for example".
for instance or such as
Put this into reported speech: "We're going to Brighton next weekend for a wedding".
They said (that) they were going to go to Brighton the following weekend for a wedding
Complete the sentence about a positive person: I always like to look ....
on the bright side
What adjective describes somebody who likes being with friends and meeting new people?
When someone has made you really happy you can say: "You've made my what?"
True or false: When something is completely wrong we say "spot on"?
False! Spot on is when something is exactly right