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Philippine Heroes

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He is the founder of the KKK and known as the Father of the Revolution
Andres Bonifacio
He is known as the “Sublime Paralytic” and the “Brains of the Revolution”
Apolinario Mabini
A brave and courageous leader who fought against the Americans.
Antonio Luna
He became the adviser and secretary of Andres Bonifacio and known as "Brain of the Katipunan"
Emilio Jacinto
He designed a flag that is blood red with a white triangle with the letter “K” on each angle. In the middle was a half sun with seven rays.
Pio del Pilar
He established a Katipunan chapter called Katipunan Malaya. Sending medicines and communications became easier through this chapter.
Antonio Guevarra
Known as Lakambini ng Katipunan.
Gregoria de Jesus
She helped the wounded soldiers during Filipino-Spanish war and known as "grandwoman of the katipunan"
Melchora Aquino
She is known as the “Joan of Arc of Ilocos”
Gabriela Silang
A great Filipino artist with his famous masterpiece “Spoliarium”
Juan Luna
She is known as “Mother of Philippine Flag”
Marcela Agoncillo
He was called “The Young General”.
Gregorio Del Pilar