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Bio 105 Final Exam Review

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35) Set up a hybrid punnett square using the following information: • Dominate black fur in guinea pigs = B • Recessive allele white fur in guinea pigs =b • Dominate allele rough fur in guinea pigs = R • Recessive allele smooth=r
a) 9/16 b) 3/16 c) 3/16 d) 1/16
34) Explain and give examples of Mendelian inheritance, incomplete dominance, co-dominance, sex-linked traits,
Answers will vary
33) Natural selection could not happen without: a. genetic differences in species b. changes in the environment c. the formation of fossil d. changes in the occurrence of certain trait in a species population
b. changes in environment
32) If 2n=8, what is the number of chromosomes in the egg cell after meiosis?
31) List stages of Mitosis vs stages of meiosis
30) Which of the following is NOT a component of nucleotides? a. amino acid b. nitrogenous base c. phosphate d. sugar
a. amino acid
29) In pea plants, height is determined by a single gene, with tall being dominant. If two heterozygous plants are cross, what proportion of the offspring will be homozygous dominant?
28) See slip on mendelian genetics
27) True or False: Transcription is expected to be active when histone proteins are acetylated
True. Inactive=methylated
26) Where are Okazaki fragments found during DNA replication
The lagging strand
25) Name the proteins needed for DNA replication
Helicase, Topoisomerase, DNA polymerase I, DNA polymerase III, Primase, DNA ligase, and Single stranded binding proteins.
24)What type of molecule is responsible for activating phosphorylation cascasdes?
Protein Kinases
23) What is the role of oxygen in cellular respiration? bonus points: Why?
Oxygen accepts high-energy electrons after they are stripped from glucose.
22) Describe the process of photosynthesis. Most detailed wins.
See key
21) Using the whiteboard, draw the difference between competitive and allosteric inhibition
competitive: inhibitor in active site allosteric: inhibitor changes shape of active site
20) Determine which graph is showing Exergonic and endergonic reactions. Which is catabolic, which is anabolic?
Left: Endergonic (anabolic) Right: Exergonic (catabolic)
19) Example practice: See slip
see key
18) Complete the Slip being passed out related to types of cellular transport
See key
17) Rank which molecules can pass through a cell membrane easiest:: O2, urea, Na+, glucose, CO2, H2O, K+
easiest: O2/CO2 > H2O/urea > glucose/Na+/K+ :Hardest
16) Describe Chemiosmosis. Where do we see it?
energy from a proton gradient is used to make ATP. This gradient is sometimes called the proton-motive force
15) Describe the plasma membrane (what makes it up, what is it's purposes?)
Answer must include: phospholipids, cholestrol, proteins Functions: control cell size, protect cell from external environ., control passage in&out of cell
14) In 3 minutes or less, label and define as many of the organelles on the cell worksheet being passed out
see key
13) Explain how volume and area contribute to limits on cell size.
cells must be small in volume in order to maintain a large enough surface area-to-volume ratio and an ideal internal volume(vol increases faster than s.a).
12) What are the 4 levels of protein structure? Describe/differentiate them
primary, secondary, tertiary, Quaternary (https://www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/macromolecules/proteins-and-amino-acids/a/orders-of-protein-structure)
11) These three molecules are examples of what type of molecule? Give definition for this type of molecule
Amphiapathic: Molecules that have both polar and non polar regions & properties
10) What type of reaction is this
Dehydration synthesis
9) List the 7 functional groups and their structure. for bonus points:something that can be used to I.D/remember them
Carbonyl (-CO), hydroxyl (-OH), carboxyl (-COH), methyl (-CH3), sulfhydryl (-SH), phosphate(-PO4), amino (-NH2)
8) What are isomers?
Isomers are pairs of molecules having the same chemical formula but different chemical structures.
7a)How many moles are in 2.3 grams of phosphorus? 7b) How many grams are in 2.3 x 10-4 moles of calcium phosphate, Ca3(PO3)2?
a) 0.074265 moles = 0.074 moles b) 0.06398 g = 0.064 g
6)What units are used to measure molarity? What are the units for molar mass?
Molarity= moles & liters (mol/L). Molar Mass= grams & moles (g/mol)
5) Label each of the following as polar or nonpolar: Water, Methanol, hydrogen cyanide, oxygen, propane
water: polar methanol: polar hydrogen cyanide: polar oxygen: nonpolar propane: nonpolar
4) Define and contrast the difference between polar and non-polar molecules
Polar: A type of covalent bond between two atoms in which electrons are shared unequally. nonpolar: covalent bond w/ equal sharing of electrons
3) Define and contrast the terms 'hydrophobic' and 'hydrophilic'
-Phobic: tending to repel or fail to mix with water. -Philic: having a tendency to mix w/, dissolve in, or be wetted by water (bonus: polar/nonpolar connection)
2) Fill in the isotope table
See Mo's Key
What is an isotope?
Answer must include: Same # protons, Different # neutrons, different molecular mass