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ESOL Christmas and New Year Quiz

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What day is Boxing Day?
26th December
On Boxing Day, many people do what?
go for a winter walk
A traditional Christmas food is port and which cheese?
Who records a special message which is shown on TV on Christmas Day?
King Charles
What is the Welsh for Happy New Year?
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
A Welsh tradition involves opening the back door just before midnight on New Year's Eve to do what?
to let the old year out
What is the name of the traditional Welsh New Year's Day custom where children go door-to-door, singing and asking for money or sweets?
In Scotland, what is the custom of "first footing" on New Year's Day?
The first person to enter a home after midnight brings good luck
What is the purpose of making New Year's resolutions in the UK?
To set goals for the upcoming year
In Scotland, how is New Year's Eve better known?
In the UK, what is the traditional song that is sung on New Year's Eve as the clock strikes midnight?
Auld Lang Syne
What is the date of New Year's Day in the UK?
January 1st
What is the Welsh for "Merry Christmas"?
Nadolig Llawen
Which Welsh town is famous for its festive "Nos Galan Road Races" held on New Year's Eve?
Mountain Ash
What is the Welsh name for Santa Claus?
Siôn Corn
Which city in the UK is famous for its huge street party on New Year's Eve?
In the UK, what do people hang over the fireplace for good luck during the Christmas season?
Christmas stockings
Which classic British author wrote the famous Christmas story "A Christmas Carol"?
Charles Dickens
In the UK, it is a tradition to leave a treat for Santa Claus. What is it usually?
Sherry and a mince pie
What do people in the UK often wear on Christmas Day that features festive patterns like reindeer or snowflakes?
Christmas jumper
In the UK, it's a tradition to pull Christmas crackers. What usually comes out of a Christmas cracker?
Toy, joke and a paper hat
What is the name of the famous street in London known for its Christmas lights and decorations?
Oxford Street
What do people in the UK typically enjoy for dessert on Christmas Day?
Christmas Pudding
In the UK, what do people typically put on top of their Christmas tree?
Angel or Fairy
What is the traditional Christmas meat in the UK?
Which festive figure is said to bring gifts to children on Christmas Eve in the UK?
Santa Claus
In the UK, people often decorate their homes with a plant with white berries during Christmas. What is this plant called?
What is the traditional date for celebrating Christmas in the UK?
December 25th