Edit Game
B1 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe the picture.
Describe the picture.
Shannon has hidden a unicorn somewhere in the classroom. You have ten seconds to find it.
Shannon has hidden her Octopus somewhere in the classroom. You have ten seconds to find it.
It’s time to dance! Everybody in your group should dance for one minute.
You are a robot. Be a robot for 30 seconds.
Sing a Christmas song in English.
Talk about technology in the home for one minute.
Imagine that you are creating a robot. Describe this robot for one minute.
Give an opinion about Kerfuś. Talk about it for 45 seconds with other members from your group
Give an opinion about travel. Talk about it for 45 seconds with other members from your group
Give an opinion about snapchat. Talk about it for 45 seconds with other members from your group
Give an opinion about the best Kebab restaurant in Kozienice. Talk about it for 45 seconds with other members from your group
Give an opinion about fortnite. Talk about it for 45 seconds with other members from your group
Give an opinion about music. Talk about it for 45 seconds with other members from your group.
Tell me three things that you are going to do during your Christmas holidays.
Make two sentences using “will” that are future predictions based on your personal opinion
Make a sentence with recommend
Make a sentence with successful
Make a sentence with give up
Give up
Make a sentence with predict
Make a sentence with efficient
Make a sentence with Creative
Make a sentence with Online.
Make a sentence with Install.
Make a sentence with electricity.
Make a sentence with turn down.
Turn down
Make a sentence with Shut down
Make a sentence with microwave,
Make a sentence with kettle.