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Hello, Universe Novel Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Virgil's family is from......
Kaori's family is from....
What does Kaori use for her fortune telling? (tools)
crystals, zodiac chart, dreams, stones (any answer ok)
What does Kaori ask Virgil to bring to her house?
Five stones
What does Lola ask Virgil to bring to Kaori?
A mango
What is making the sound that scares Chet in the woods?
Why did Valencia cover the well?
She didn't want someone/squirrels to fall in
What is Kaori's little sister's name?
Why did Valencia have a hard time understanding the man at the door?
His moustache made it hard to read his lips
What fake name does Valencia give Kaori?
What does Bayani mean?
Who does Valencia pray to?
What snack does Gulliver love the most?
What is one of Valencia's three rules for talking to her?
face her, speak clearly, don't cover your mouth
Lola told Virgil "Beware the color red" what was the red thing?
Chet's shirt
What did Chet throw down the well?
Virgil's back pack (with Gulliver inside)
Why was Chet in the forest?
He wanted to find a snake
Why doesn't Virgil climb out of the well?
He can't reach the ladder
What 3 adjectives (adj) does Kaori use to describe Virgil to Valencia?
skinny, sad, brown
What does Valencia worry her mom might notice is missing from her house?
The bowls she uses to feed Sacred
What's the name of the animal feeds in the forest?
What type of animal does Valencia feed in the forest?
A dog (stray dog)
Who speaks with Virgil while he's in the well?
Ruby San Salvador
Who covers the well while Virgil is inside?
What is the name of the beast Virgil thinks is in the well with him?
What type of pet does Virgil have?
Guniea Pig
Which one is NOT something Lola calls Virgil?
Bayani, Virgilito, Virgo