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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We - give money as a present / give flowers as a present.
We aren't going to give money as a present. We are going to give flowers as a present.
I - watch tv / decorate the house
I am not going to watch tv. I am going to decorate the house.
We - watch tv / watch fireworks
We aren't going to watch tv. We are going to watch fireworks.
I - stay up late / go to bed
I am not going to stay up late. I am going to go to bed.
We - do homework / paint
We aren't going to do homework. We are going to paint.
I - skateboard / ride a bike
I am not going to skateboard. I am going to ride a bike.
I - take out the rubbish / walk the dog
I am not going to take out the rubbish. I am going to walk the dog.
I - go trick or treating / go to the dentist.
I am not going to go trick or treating. I am going to go to the dentist.
We - rake leaves / shovel snow
We aren't going to rake leaves. We are going to shovel snow.
We - dress up as vampires / dress up as ghosts
We aren't going to dress up as vampires. We are going to dress up as ghosts.
He - water the plants/make the bed
He isn't going to water the plants. He is going to make the bed.
They - sing/dance
They aren't going to sing. They are going to dance.
He - play the piano/play the guitar
He isn't going to play the piano. He is going to play the guitar.
She - play basketball/play volleyball
She isn't going to play basketball. She is going to play volleyball.
They - play volleyball/play tennis
They aren't going to play volleyball. They are going to play tennis.
She - clean/water the plants
She isn't going to clean. She is going to water the plants.
He - make the bed/clean
He isn't going to make the bed. He is going to clean.
She - water the plants/do the washing up
She isn't going to water the plans. She is going to do the washing up.
They - do the washing up/bake a cake
They aren't going to do the washing up. They are going to bake a cake.
He - dance/sing
He isn't going to dance. He is going to sing.
They - play the guitar/play the piano
They aren't going to play the guitar. They are going to play the piano.
She - play tennis/play basketball.
She isn't going to play tennis. She is going to play basketball.