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Which State of Mind? (DBT)
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You really wanted a new game for your birthday, but your grandmother bought you a new sweater. You don’t like it but you smile and thank her anyways.
Wise mind
You are in the library and everyone is quietly reading. You look down and see your dad is calling you. You immediately answer and have a conversation with him.
Emotional mind
Your aunt spent hours making Thanksgiving dinner. The turkey is too dry and the gravy is way too salty. You eat as much as you can and thank her for cooking.
Wise mind
You love soccer and want to be a goalie. You spend hours working with your coach to improve your skills.
Wise mind
You carefully construct a new world on your Minecraft server.
Reasonable mind
You have an English test tomorrow, so you make flashcards and review them until you have everything memorized.
Reasonable mind
You’re hanging out with a group of kids you want to make friends with. They start talking about a band you’ve never heard of, but you comment “I love their music!”
Emotional mind
You come up with a strategy to win a round of your favorite video game.
Reasonable mind
Your friend stood you up last night. You tell them you need space and to not talk to you today. You’ll talk to them tomorrow when you’re feeling less upset.
Wise mind
Your friend told you they’d message you about playing games online. It is 6pm and they haven’t messaged you yet. You start texting them every five minutes to get her to respond.
Emotional mind
You have a paper due tomorrow, but a new season of your favorite show is out. You remind yourself you can watch it when you finish your paper.
Wise mind
You are measuring out ingredients to bake cookies.
Reasonable mind
Mindlessly eating a whole bag of chips while watching YouTube.
Emotional mind
Practicing playing an instrument every day, even if you don’t want to.
Wise mind
Impulse-purchasing something on Amazon using your parent’s credit card without their permission.
Emotional mind
Cuddling a puppy.
Emotional mind
Interpreting the meaning of a poem.
Reasonable mind
Solving a math equation.
Reasonable mind
A kid is threatening to beat up your friend after school. You tell your teacher and ask if someone can walk you and your friend to the pick-up area.
Wise mind
A student calls you a name, so you call him a mean name back.
Emotional mind
Your family is going on vacation! You're so excited, so you research all of the activities you want to do.
Wise mind
Your friend is starting to cry, so you reach out and hug her.
Wise mind
You get into a fight with your dad and you punch the wall.
Emotional mind
You find out there is a pop quiz in math and you think you'll definitely fail because you didn't study at all.
Emotional mind