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Character Adjectives

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You're very enthusiastic because you really want to do something. It could be because of something. (determined, motivated, stubborn)
You want to do something very much and you don't give up although you don't allow any difficulties stop you. It is also good for your life. (motivated, stubborn, determined)
You don't give up easily and do what you want to do but in a negative way. (determined, stubborn, motivated)
Something/ someone that makes you feel you want to do something and make you want to follow their example. (motivated, inspiring, respected)
You have a good reputation and a lot of people admire you for your qualities and achievements. (motivated, determined, respected)
You're calm because you have no doubts about your ability or knowledge. (self-confident, motivated, determined)
You have a strong wish to be successful, powerful or rich. (ambitious, passionate, self-confident)
You like something and have strong feeling about it. (ambitious, passionate, motivated)
You always support something or someone, even if other people don't. (loyal, optimistic, passionate)
You get easily upset by the things people say or do. (ambitious, passionate, sensitive)
You believe good things will happen in the future and you think in a positive way. (sensitive, optimistic, determined)
You haven't got much experience about life and you can be easily tricked. You're too ready to believe everything. (optimistic, naive, sensitive)
You're unpleasantly proud and behave as if you're more important or know more than the other people. (naive, arrogant, self-confident)