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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the missing letters? Th_ra_
o, r (Thorax)
What are missing letters? Da_r_ products
i, y (Dairy products)
Name 2 kinds of dairy products
milk, yogurt
Name 2 kinds of fish
Tuna, salmon
Name 3 kinds of meat
pork, chicken, beef
Name 5 body building foods
meat (chicken, pork, beef), eggs, fish (tuna, salmon), dairy products (milk, yogurt)
How many types of nutrients are there? What are they?
6: Protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral, water
What are the missing letter? Ca_ b_hydr_te
r, o, a (Carbohydrate)
Name 3 foods or drinks that contain a lot of fat
oil, cheese, butter, nuts
Name 3 parts both birds and fish have
Eye, Tail, head, mouth...
Name 3 parts both birds and insects have.
Wing, leg, eye, head
Name 5 parts of a fish
Gill, Scale, Head, Tail, Fin. Mouth, Eye, Mucous coating
The part protects the fish
mucous coating
The parts help the animal to take the oxygen from water
Eyes and antennae are on the ______?
How many legs does an insect have?
What are the main body regions of an insect?
head, thorax, abdomen
What are the missing letters? A_ _ omen
b, d (Abdomen)
What is the missing letter? be_k
a (beak)
What is the missing letter: C_aw
l (Claw)
What are the missing letter? M_co_s coating
u, u (Mucous coating)
The part helps the fish swim faster
Mucous coating
The parts keep animal warm
The parts help the fish to swim.
Fins (or fins and tail)
The parts help insects feel the surrounding