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C2 Subjunctive 3rd Part

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you know any idiomatic expression built with subjunctive?
1_God save the queen; 2_God bless you; 3_Be that as it may; 4_Long live the king
How would you say "si tuvieses algĂșn problema, hĂĄzmelo saber"
1_ Let me know if you have any problems; 2_If you should have any problems, let me know; 3_Should you have any problems, let me know.
Is " I recommend going to..." subjunctive?
No it isn't. It is less formal than the subjunctive.
Is "I recommend that he goes to..." subjunctive?
No, it isn't. It can be said but it's less formal
Is "I recommend that he should go to..." subjunctive?
No, it isn't.
Say: Recomiendo que vaya al médico en las cuatro formas posibles
I recommend that he should go/ he go/ he goes to the doctor's /going to the doctor's.
Say: El profesor le pidiĂł que (ella) tuviera paciencia
The teacher asked (that) she BE patient
Say: Es importante que no vaya al médico
It's important (that) he NOT go to the doctor's
Say: Insisto en que se mantenga en secreto.
I insist (that) it BE kept a secret
Say: Aconsejo que (él) no vaya al médico
I advise (that) he NOT GO to the doctor's
Say: Recomiendo que (él) vaya al médico
I recommend (that) he GO to the doctor's
Say: Era importante que ella aprendiese inglés
It was important that she learn English
Say: Es importante que ella aprenda inglés
It's important that she learn English
So say: Es importante que (yo) aprenda inglés
It's important that I learn English
Which are the rules with "recommend", "advice","demand", "insist", "it's important that", "it's advisable that", etc. to form the subjunctive in English?
1_ Do not add the 3rd person singular "s"; 2_Do not use the auxiliary "do" in the negative, use NOT; 3_Do not add the past suffix "ed"