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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Two synonyms for vomit, meaning you are sick.
throw up/puke
Adjective we use to describe a part of your body that has become bigger, e.g. a s__________ finger
This can happen to you if a piece of food gets stuck in your throat.
You might get this if you eat food which is past its expiry date: f ________ p _________
food poison
Something you should put on your finger when you have a cut.
If a hot liquid drops on your hands, you will b___________ yourself
An injury on your leg which means that you can´t walk.
sprained ankle
If you cut your finger with a sharp object, it will b________.
An infectious illness like a very bad cold that causes fever, pain and weakness.
A phrasal verb that means to lose consciousness
pass out
A verb that means to lose consciousness
You should do this (on the sofa or on the bed) when you feel unwell or tired.
lie down
When you have a cold, you are going to s________ and c___________ .
A phrasal verb meaning to recover from an illness
get over
What you should eat if you have a headache.
Something you could get on the beach if you are not careful
Something that can be high, often because of stress or a bad diet.
blood pressure
Three parts of the body that we use with suffix "ache",
stomachache, toothache, backache