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WOW! Gold - Past continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What were they doing yesterday afternoon?
They were hanging out with friends.
What were they doing last night?
They were having group chat.
What were they doing last night?
They were playing board games.
What was he doing yesteday afternoon?
He was cooking dinner.
What was she doing last Monday?
She was shopping with friends.
What were you doing last Sunday?
I was ...
What was she doing on her holiday?
She was sailing.
What was she doing yesterday afternoon?
She was having a karate lesson.
What was he doing yesterday evening?
The was watching a film in the cinema.
What was he doing yesterday afternoon?
He was playing the harmonica.
What was she doing yesterday afternoon?
She was reading a book.
What was he doing on his holiday?
He was sightseeing.
What were you doing on your summer holidays?
I was/We were camping/sleeping in a tent.
What were they doing on their summer holidays?
They were surfing.
What were they doing on Saturday night?
They were watching a performance.
What were you doing last night?
I was ...
What were they doing last Moday?
They were playnig football.
What was she doing last night?
She was sleeping.
What was he doing last night?
He was watching TV.
What was he doing last Sunday?
He was swimming.
What were they doing yesterday afternoon?
They were riding a bike.