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Church History 1000-1500 AD

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Under which treaty did Muslims get territorial control of Jerusalem after the 3rd Crusade?
The 3 universities founded in 1088 were...
Oxford, Bologna, and Paris
In what year did the Byzantine Emperor reach out for military help against the Muslims?
1094 AD
Which Pope called for the 1st Crusade?
Pope Urban II
Who was the king of England during the 2nd and 3rd Crusades?
King Richard (the Lionhearted)
The Renaissance began in the country of...
The word "Renaissance" comes from the French word meaning...
The 4th Crusade began to make Egypt Christian again, but which city was sacked instead?
The Inquisition was established in...
1229 AD
The Renaissance began in...
1300 AD
The Muslim sultan who fought against Richard the Lionhearted was...
The first Gothic cathedral was completed in 1144. It is named...
Saint Denis
Pope Urban II called for the first Crusade in...
1095 AD
True/False: By 1000 AD, Muslims occupied two-thirds of the ancient Christian world.
5 universities are established in the year...
1088 AD
The "Great" or "Eastern" Schism happened in...
1054 AD
True/False: The Great Schism DID NOT happen because Eastern Christians did not believe in Jesus' real presence in the Eucharist
True/False: The Great Schism happened because of doctrinal issues.
After the Great Schism, the faith of Eastern Christians became...
Orthodox Christianity
True/False: A schism is a split or division over differences of opinion or belief.