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Sympathy & Empathy

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you do when your parents tell you no?
Squeeze a pillow or plush toy
What can you do if your friend says something you don't like?
Take deep breaths
What can you do if you let a friend borrow a toy and it breaks?
Count to 10
What can you say to a friend who is angry with you?
What can you do for a friend who is angry?
Give them space
What can you say to a friend who is angry?
Free choice
How can you help your sibling if they scrape their knee and start bleeding?
Look for an adult
How can you help a friend who is scared of going on an escalator?
Hold their hand
How can you help a friend who is sitting alone during recess?
Keep them company
What can you do if someone at school is bothering you?
Talk to a friend and ask a teacher for help
What can you do when you get lost at a theme park?
Look for help
What can you do if you are feeling scared while watching a movie?
Take deep breaths
What is a tip I can use when I'm feeling worried?
The 3-3-3 Technique
How can you calm down if you feel worried?
Count to 10
What can you do if you are worried?
Take deep breaths
How can you help a friend stop worrying so much?
Ask them to play with you
What can you do with a friend who is nervous?
Go for a walk
How can you help a friend who looks worried?
Ask them what's wrong
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
Drink a glass of water
What can you do when you are feeling sad?
Count to 10
How can you cheer up when you are feeling sad?
Take deep breaths
How can you help a friend who is crying?
You can offer a hug
What can you do with a friend to help them when they are sad?
You can listen to music
What can you say to a friend who is sad over a bad grade?
Free choice