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Test review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence (simple past, simple present, past continuous): She ______________ this house last year (to buy)
She bought this house last year
Complete the sentence (simple past, simple present, past continuous): They arrived when I _________________ (to wash) the dishes.
They arrived when I was washing the dishes
Complete the sentence (simple past, simple present, past continuous): He always ___________ to school at 5 a.m (to go)
He always goes to school at 5 a.m
Make a sentence according to the image: "GOING TO" (interrogative)
Is she going to walk the dog?
Make a sentence according to the image: "GOING TO" (negative)
He is not going to swim
Make a sentence according to the image: "GOING TO" (affirmative)
She is going to cook...
Complete using Other/Another/Others/The other/The others: These are my shorts. __________________ are Victoria's.
The others
Complete using Other/Another/Others/The other/The others: Let's watch __________________ movie. I don't like this one.
Complete using Other/Another/Others/The other/The others: I think you need to see ______________ people
Choose the correct option: There was/were kids playing in the garden
There were kids playing in the garden
Make a question: Yes, there were a lot of places to visit
Were there a lot of places to visit?
Make a question: There was a bridge over the river 10 years ago
Was there a bridge over the river 10 years ago?
Make a question: There were 5 hammers in the toolbox
Were there 5 hammers in the toolbox?