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6th - Unit 4 - Our environment.

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ÂżTenemos bastantes ĂĄrboles en nuestra ciudad?
Have we got enough trees in our city?
Say / write two actions which you always do to help the environtment.
Examples: Recicle litter. / Go to school by bike or on foot. / Plant a tree. /Make a wildlife area...Pl
Él no tiene que cortar el cĂ©sped mañana.
He doesn't have to cut the grass tomorrow.
Nosotras/os tenemos que dar de comer a los pĂĄjaros todos los dĂ­as.
We have to feed the birds every day.
Ellos/as tienen que ordenar su habitaciĂłn antes de desayunar.
They have to tidy their bedrooms before breakfast.
Ella no tiene que ir al cole en coche.
She doesn't have to go to school by car.
ÂżDĂłnde vas? Tengo que plantar las semillas.
Where are you going? I have to dig up the weeds.
ÂżDĂłnde fuiste? Fui a la biblioteca a coger varios libros.
Where did you go? I went to the library to borrow some books.
Tenemos que plantar semillas.
We have to plant seeds.
TĂș tienes que reciclar en casa.
You have to recycle at home.
TĂș no tienes que ir al colegio en coche. Puedes ir caminando o en bici.
You don't have to go to school by car. You can go on foot or by bike.
Me hace sentir triste cuando veo basura en el mar.
It makes me sad to see rubbish in the sea.
TĂș no deberĂ­as desperdiciar/dejar/ tirar comida.
You shouldn't waste food.
Todos deberĂ­amos recojer la basura.
We all should pick up litter.
Yo nunca tiro basura (por el suelo).
I never drop litter.
Yo siempre apago las luces.
I always turn off the lights.
Ellos no deberĂ­an utilizar bolsas de plĂĄstico.
They shouldn't use plastic bags.
TĂș deberĂ­as reciclar vĂ­drio y metal.
You should recycle glass and metal.