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Comparitives and Superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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safe bicycles, motorbikes, cars (use both comparative and superlative)
bicycles are safer than motorbikes, but cars are the safest
bad Apple, Samsung
Apple is worse than Samsung
important Russia, China, America (use both comparative and superlative)
Russia s more important than America, but China is the most important
popular tea, coffee
tea is more popular than coffee
active morning, afternoon, evening (use both comparative and superlative)
I am more active in the morning than in the evening, but I am most active in the afternoon
cold North Pole, South Pole, Mars (use both comparative and superlative)
The North Pole is colder than the South Pole, but Mars is the coldest
friendly dogs, cats (use as______as)
dogs are as friendly as cats
beautiful beaches, mountains, countryside (use both comparative and superlative)
beaches are more beautiful than the countryside, but mountains are the most beautiful
delicious chocolate, ice cream, apples
apples are more delicious than ice cream, but chocolate is the most delicious
difficult reading, listening
listening is more difficult than reading
comfortable headphones, earphones
headphones are more comfortable than earphones
good spring, summer, autumn (use both comparative and superlative)
Spring is better than summer but autumn is the best
enjoyable board, card, computer games (use both comparative and superlative)
card games more enjoyable than computer games but board games are the most enjoyable
boring football, basketball, baseball (Use both comparative and superlative)
Baseball is more boring than football, but basketball is the most boring
intelligent dolphins, chimpanzees, elephants (Use both comparative and superlative)
Dolphins are more intelligent than elephants, but chimpanzees are the most intelligent.
hard Chinese, English
Chinese is harder than English
dangerous snakes, crocodiles, mosquitoes (Use both comparative and superlative)
snakes are more dangerous than mosquitoes, but crocodiles are the most dangerous..
expensive platinum, gold
platinum is more expensive than gold
cheap renting, buying a house
renting a house is cheaper than buying a house
tasty mangos, strawberries, watermelons
mangoes are tastier than strawberries and watermelons
exciting bungee jumping, sky diving
bungee jumping is more exciting than sky diving