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How would you feel if you were at this game watching your Dad?
What season do you think the book was written in?
Which part of the book do you like the most?
What were the family doing in this book?
They were all watching dad play football.
How did everyone feel at the end of the story?
Everyone felt very happy.
What did Dad do at the end of the story?
Dad scored a goal.
Do you know a synonym for angry?
A synonym for angry is cross.
Do you know a synonym for sad?
A synonym for sad is miserable.
How was Floppy feeling?
Floppy was tired.
What were Mum, Kipper, Biff and Chip all wearing?
They were all wearing coats, hats, scarves and gloves.
What was the setting of this story?
They were in the park.
What was the weather like in thus story?
It was raining.
What is the opposite to dry?
The opposite to dry is wet.
What game was Dad playing?
Dad was playing football.
What kind of day was it?
It was a cold day.