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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write seven irregular verbs in past
Write seven regular verbs in past
do - homework - I - not - did - my
I did not do my homework.
not - The - inmortal - were - gods
The gods were not inmortal.
Pocahontas - beautiful - was - a - princess - ?
Was Pocahontas a beautiful princess?
Complete using WAS or WERE: The Beatles ___ an English rock band.
The Beatles WERE an English rock band.
Complete using WAS or WERE: Hernán Cortés ____ spanish.
Hernán Cortés WAS spanish.
write a sentences in affirmative and explain
Write a sentence in negative and explain
Explain the difference between REGULAR and IRREGULAR VERBS
Write in AFFIRMATIVE --> Did he break my heart?
He broke my heart.
Write in INTERROGATIVE --> She ate hamburger.
Did she eat hamburger?
Write in NEGATIVE --> I studied English yesterday.
I did not study English yesterday.
Past form of BEG
Past form of FINISH
Past form of DRINK