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1.Dr Seuss the grinch mean

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who called Grinch : "mean"
the boy who built the snowman
Who prepared the great cup of coffee
a cow
Who took a shortcut to the city?
Merry Lou
What did the mother say to the girl : "don;t do anything I ......................."
wouldn't do
What was the colour of his scarf
white and red
Why did the girl hurry to get to the town center
she has a letter to post
What did the twins have for breakfast
toasts with jam
What kind of food Grinch didn't like ( in the shop)
a cucumber form yhe jar
What did Grinch use to destroy the snowman
What was a woman with blonde hair doing in the bus
she was sleeping
What was the bus driver name ?
What was the most likely reason that Grinch didn't like Christmas
his heart was too small
What was on the plate (for breakfast)
How did grinch get to the kitchen from his bedroom
in his armchair
What was written on he hanger in the wardrobe
What was on the top of the coffee that the dog prepared for Grinch
sad face
What was his dog's name
What date appeard on the clock at the begining
20 december
What Christmas song appeared as the first one  on the radio
Santa Cluase is coming to town