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ESL A Film Fright

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a synonym for terror?
horror, fear
What is a set of actions taken to get a certain result?
What does classic mean?
old but good
When someone is very interested in something.
What is the first version of something?
When someone has done something very well, that person is _______________.
Who made the 1910 movie Frankenstein?
Thomas Edison
What studio released Dracula and Frankenstein
Universal Studios
One early horror movie was called "Frankenstein vs ______?"
The Wolfman
What was the name of the Makeup artist in the article?
Jack Pierce
The transformation from man to wolf man looks like it takes about 10 seconds, how long did it take in real life?
6 hours
What was unique about Young Frankenstein?
It is a comedy (funny and not that scary)
Who made Young Frankenstein?
Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder
In 1997 horror movie characters were printed on what?
What did they glue to the actors face to create the Wolf Man make up?
Animal hair
What type of photography was used to create the Wolf Man transformation?
Stop-motion photography