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Future Tenses. Perspectives B2
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistakes: people will reading more digital books than printed ones.
will be reading, or will read
In the evening, we _________________ two concerts! One _________________ a rock concert and the other a classical concert.
are about to put on, will be
are going to, will
will put on, will be being
are about to put on, will be being
my / book / ready / have / first / I / publish / I / enough / stories / once / short / will
I will publish my first book once I have ready enough short stories.
I _______________ really happy once we ___________________ our exams..
will be, finish
am, finish
are, will finish
am to be, finish
drawings / going / to / their / is / display / week / hallway / in / next / the / the / art class
The art class is going to display their drawings in the hallway next week.
______________ your friend _______________ with the professional ballet dancers at the theatre tonight?
Is dancing
are going to dance
is about dance
will dance
What time ______________ you _______________ on Saturday?
are leaving
is leaving
will leave
on / an / young / the / art world / certainly / will / impression / make / when / that / artist / starts / her / show.
That young artist will certainly make an impression on the art world when her show starts.
Let's do something right now! The teacher ___________________ us low marks for cheating in our English test!
is about to give
will give
will be giving
won't give
_________ you ___________ when the new film from Harry Potter series __________?
Do know, will be shown
Do know, will show
Are knowing, will be shown
Do know, is going to show
the / the / will / reporters / after / singer / the / interviewing / be / concert / ?
Will the reporters be interviewing the singer after the concert?
We _________________ publish the programme of events, and I’m sure everyone _________________ pleased.
are about to, will be
will be about, might be
is going to, will be
are going to, might be
Once the new theatre is ready they ____________________ millions of pounds a year on its maintenance.
won't be spending
won't spend
will be spenting
aren't going to spending
On Sunday I ________________________ my friends at the food festival in the park.
am going to meet
is going to meet
will meeting
am about to
She _____________________ her costume when she walks home from school.
will be wearing
is about to wear
is going wear
The school choir _____________ several songs at the assembly today.
is performing
will be perform
Correct the mistakes: Electric cars is going to be "normal cars"
are going to be
On Tuesday my class _______________ a classical concert so we can learn more about the music.
is attending
has attended