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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is your favorite holiday song?
Can you sing it?
What is your favorite holiday movie?
What kind of 'vehicle' does Santa drive?
A sleigh.
What animal pulls Santa's sleigh? How many of them are there?
Reindeer. 8
What is a holiday decoration that is often hung on our front door?
A wreath.
What are three holidays that are celebrated in December?
Kwanzaa, Christmas, Chanukah
How does Santa get into your house on Christmas Eve?
He goes down the chimney.
What temperature is it when it is 'FREEZING' outside?
32 degrees Fahrenheit. 0 degrees Celsius
What are some of the things that people do on January 1st? What do you do?
Watch or go to parades. Watch football. Celebrate with family.
What holiday is celebrated on January 1st?
New Year's Day.
What do we call the last day in December?
New Year's Eve
How many days are in the month of December?
When is the first day of Winter? What do we call the start of Winter?
December 21st -- The Winter solstice.
What are three winter months?
December, January, February
A tree for decorating (one type of christmas tree)
An evergreen tree (pine/ spruce/ fir)
A crystal made of snow. Every one is different. They melt quickly.
a snowflake
The color of snow.
They are round. They are made of snow. They are fun to throw at each other and have a ______________________.
snowballs. snowball fight.
A Winter sport where you go fast down a mountain slope.
Special shoes with blades to do sport on ice.
skates (ice skates)
What do you wear on your neck to keep it warm?
a scarf
What do you wear on your hands to keep them warm?
mittens/ gloves
They hang from your roof in winter.
What is the opposite of 'hot'?
What do you put on your head in winter?
a hat / a cap