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Human Health and Diseases

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Which mosquito is related to Dengue?
Aedes Mosquito
Signs and symptoms of Pneumonia
High fever, Coughing, Shortness of breath
Typhoid Causative agent
Salmonella typhi
Signs and symptoms of filariasis
Edema, lymphatic filariasis
Mode of transmission of Amoebiasis
Faeco-oral route, eating with dirty hands
Give diagnosis treatment for Malaria
Artemisinin based therapies
Causative agent for Malaria
If at all person is having blood group O +ve, will this person be able to donate blood to B +ve blood group recipient
Antigen binding site is called as__________
Which bond holds together polypeptide chains of antibody?
Disulfide bonds
how many heavy chains are present in an antibody?
Lymphokines are produced by_______
helper T cells
Where di t lymphocytes mature?
Thymus gland
Example of Artificial acquired active immunity
Example of Natural active acquired immunity.
Natural immunity developed in recovered person
Give any two features of acquired immnuity?
Specificity, Diversity, Memory, Identification of self and non self
What is acquired immunity?
Resistance developed over a lifespan
Example of acute phase protein
C reactive protein
Natural killer cells are a part of innate immunity. State True or False
Which of the following is not an innate immunity barrier?
1.Fever 2.Epithelial surface 3.Memory 4.Antimicrobial substances