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Be a Mind MIME

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mind MIME how you clean your bedroom!
Do you like your room neat or messy?
Mind MIME what you look like during a school break today!
Time to chill out!
Mind MIME getting ready for a summer activity! (swimming, the beach, a hike, a bike ride, etc.)
How would you look the same but different if it was a cold day?
Mind MIME eating a food you really like!
Looks Delicious!
Mind MIME a bedtime routine. Point out your plan!
Now mind MIME your morning routine! Point out your plan!
Mind MIME your time markers for a homework assignment!
What would be a possible time robber?
Mind MIME your time Markers for Getting Ready in the morning!
You will be on time!
Mind MIME a chore you have to do!
Lucky Day! You get 10 points
Lucky you!
Boom! You get 5 extra points!
Mind MIME what you look like at 9am.
Now Mind MIME what you look like at 9pm.
Mind MIME caring for a pet.
Great! Now Mind MIME how it would look the same but different for another pet!
Mind MIME getting ready to do a winter activity (skiing, skating, play in the snow)
Now Mind MIME making Hot Cocoa when you get home!
Mind MIME getting ready for a practice!
You are ready to go!
MIND MIME what you look like at 4pm today!
Mind MIME eating a hamburger
Now mind MIME a hamburger!